Thursday, 4 February 2010

ERT- Analysing opening sequence

The film 'the ring' belongs to the horror genre. The film opens with two teenage girls talking about a killer video tape, which is the general story line through out the film. It starts with no fearful atmosphere being created but as it gets closer towards 3 minutes the fear increases through dialogue and expression. It doesn' t conform to typically conventions, such as haunted houses, however the opening scene is late a night and builds up to a typically horror story line.
Film language-
The mise-en-scene creates a young vunerable girls room, you can see it raining outside and that it is night time. No background sound is used and it is only the noise of the TV and the girls dialogue that we hear. The camera shot we first see is from the TV looking towards them and then i cuts to a matched cut between the girls and their dialogue. From this we we learn that one of the girls is scared and one of them doesnt believe in the story.
Tension is created through the use of sound effects and dialogue. At the beginning no horror storyline is created and as it starts to be introduced it creates tension as the audience try to work out what has happened.
Representation and ideology-
The only characters we meet in this opening of "the ring" is two teenage girls. We can see this through the use of costume and dialogue, as they are dressed in school uniform and talk about boys and television. The film does not open with typical horror film conventions however it is set in a dark room and has a build up to a frightful storyline. The sequence present them as vunerable and scared at around 2 minutes in.
Media Audiences-
I think the target audience for this film is late teenagers and young adults as it is not a believeable story line but still has a scary side.
Instituational context-
Naomi Watts stared in the film, however no major bankable stars were , and it was distributed by Dreamworks making it an industrial film. As the film was a remake any major horror fans would have known the original, therefore already having a buzz factor.

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