Wednesday, 20 January 2010

ERT - Detailed ideas

  • Have the child write the producer, editor and characters etc. Perhaps onto a glass table or some sort and have the camera position underneath, or onto a mirror. Specifically in child hand writting.
  • The ending have a heart beat and with each beat a images flashes on the screen, such as the girl tied to a chair with a gag. After some flashing images have a beep as if she is dead with a black screen and the text appear saying 3 days earlier.
  • Use a music box for the opening music with perhaps a CU of the music box.
  • Possibly have her singing the nursery rhymes in a creepy way on her walk to school extra.
  • See if we can get permission to use the prmiary school toilets which have mirrors and cracked tiles which would give a horror like feel.


  1. Well done girls this is very neat and some high quality postings already!

  2. I agree - some of these initial ideas show real promise - especially use of horror conventions with music box and child's writing. This could be very effective. Well done!

  3. Although I'm not sure how practical it will be, I still like the idea we talked about of the writing being all over the walls. But we would have to think of a narrative and practicalities as to whether to do that or not.

  4. Yes agreed. I also thought perhaps if we did start by fading in to a CU of the music box with the character spining around and then the girl could start really far back but slightly seen in the mirror and then jump cut her forwards but you can only see her in the mirror if that makes sense?
